As part of my building life skills homeschool curriculum, I represent Read and Grow Rich S.T.E.a.M. Faire by leading a Wacky Wednesday STEAM lesson at Reach Leadership Academy. I serve dual roles – instructor and photographer. In April 2015, the lesson was a paper tower competition. Students
My Community Service
Me and my friends (along with their family) treated the residents of the Rialto Retirement Home to an afternoon of music, dance, sweet treats, and warm socks. My friend Kayden was in Loma Linda’s Children’s Hospital.
Mini Mogul Club
Guess What? There is NO minimum age to start a business or to become a millionaire. All you need is a great idea, a little knowledge, and a lot of hard work. I started my business when I was only 5 years old. Read my story
Participating In Local History
Robotics Expo
I went to a Robotics Expo that was held on at Saturday January 25, 2014 at Sequoia Middle School in Fontana California. The organizers served jalapeno chips and turkey wraps and Capri Suns and cookies. What is interesting is that they let you build your
Participating In Local History
In October 2014, Vice President Joe Biden came to Colton (California) High School. In spite of all of the blockades and street closures, I managed to get a photo of the motorcade. I had to anticipate where would be a good spot to stand to catch the fast moving car because when I asked the police officers who were blocking the streets which exit would the Vice President come from, they all said they couldn’t tell me.
At first, I was frustrated because we had to stand there and wait. All of a sudden, there was a large number of law enforcement exiting the freeway in all kinds of vehicles. I positioned myself in the bushes to get the best view of the freeway exit. SNAP! Got it.
One of my photos was published in the Westside Story Newspaper.
Meet Dumas Martin
I met a real life inventor. His name is Dumas Martin. I just called him Mr. Martin. He said he made an all in one chess and checkers and tic tac toe kit.
He showed me one of his inventions. It is a back relief device. He said he makes medical inventions. He sells his back relief device is for $75.
He also gave me tips not to yawn or act as if i am bored during the interview. I did this interview at our Read And Grow Rich S.T.E.M. event. I also asked if it is hard to invent. He said if you believe, it’s not hard at all. It was a good interview. I think I did fantastic. Watch the short video below and see for yourself.
Robotics Expo
I went to a Robotics Expo that was held on at Saturday January 25, 2014 at Sequoia Middle School in Fontana California. The organizers served jalapeno chips and turkey wraps and Capri Suns and cookies. What is interesting is that they let you build your own Lego Robot.
The expo included several booths with different activities. One activity was a table where you could try robots like one that is a crane and one that shakes your hand. Another activity was a booth where you could play a game that you had to get more blocks into your goal than your opponent. The robot was controlled by a logic controller that was connected to a computer. The activity I enjoyed the most was the one where you can build your own robot and you can program it. There were instructors to help you build your robot and program it. Also the instructor said Lego Robots cost between $200, $300, $400, and $500. That’s a lot of money!!
Building Lego robots are good to help you learn technology. Also it is a good start if u want to learn how to make a real robot. I enjoyed the event. Visit my other web site