There’s probably not a day that goes by that somewhere, teens and their parents face off over social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and MySpace.
Teens tend to see online networking as pure fun. Well meaning parents tend to take the position that networking online is bad and
should be avoided. And what doesn’t help is the number of myths floating around about the Internet and social media. Myths like: The Internet is a free for all or that sexual predators rule, or worst yet, that being online is a complete waste of time. The fact is, social media works when you know how to use it.
This handbook by business growth expert, Cynthia Renee Frazier, teaches you how to shift your thinking and see social media as a powerful resource. In this informative, instructive and inspirational book, Cynthia tells teens exactly what to do and what not to do while networking online. She asks them to focus on their future and to take the necessary steps to have a powerful, dynamic, online image that gets results!